MEPS Constitution
The Association shall be known as
Hereinafter referred to as "the Association".
Level : National/ Kebangsaan
The registered address is
or at such other place as may from time to time be decided by the Committee; and the postal address is
The registered and postal addresses shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.
MEPS was established to provide a platform for its members to meet, share information, and build networks. This network is built to jointly improve the quality of educational psychology practice and services in each field.
There are five goals in MEPS as follows:
Build a community of educational psychology service providers.
Provide a platform for information sharing, building professional and scholarly skills, networking and peer support of professionals in educational psychology.
Build awareness of the importance of educational psychology services in Malaysia.
Establish codes of conduct and ethics of practice in educational psychology services.
It serves as a platform to share psychoeducational knowledge with the general public.
Membership Criteria Type
1. Full Member
a. Doctoral Degree in Educational Psychology from a recognized university OR
b. Master's Degree in Educational Psychology from a recognized university AND
c. Bachelor's Degree in psychology or equivalent AND
d. Meet at least ONE of the criteria below:
Currently working at a recognized university as a professor/lecturer/practitionerresearcher. OR
Currently working in the education industry. OR
Currently practising in the scope of psychoeducational assessment, intervention or therapy.
2. International Member
Have recognized training and experience in Psychology according to full member criteria a, b, c and d.
3. Allied Member
Bachelor's Degree/Postgraduate Degree in psychology.
4. Affiliate
The person does not meet the needs of full members but has the passion and interest to advance the goals of this Society.
5. Student Member
Continuing studies in Psychology or other related fields.
6. Honorary Member
The Committee of this Society appoints the person. The person has a large contribution to the advancement of knowledge or practice of psychology.
Members who wish to cease to be members of the Society must give a written statement 2 weeks in advance to the Secretary and settle all debts.
Any member who fails to abide by the Constitution of the Society or acts in a manner that will tarnish the good name of the Society may be dismissed or suspended from membership for such period as the Committee deems reasonable. Before the Committee removes or suspends the membership of such member, the member shall be notified of the reasons for his removal or suspension in writing. The member should also be allowed to explain and defend himself.
The dismissal or suspension shall be effected unless the general meeting adjourns or revokes the decision on appeal by the member.
Each member must pay the membership fee according to the details below:
a. Full & Allied Membership: RM 30 (Ringgit Malaysia: Thirty Only)
b. International & Affiliate Membership: RM 50 (Ringgit Malaysia: Fifty Only)
c. Student Membership: RM 15 (Ringgit Malaysia: Fifteen Only)
d. Honorary Membership: No fee (membership by appointment)
To the Treasurer in advance before 31 October of each year.
Members who leave their fee debts more than two months after the period specified in clause 6 (1) will be given a reminder letter by the Treasurer. If the member still does not pay his debts within one month from the date the reminder is issued, he shall be deemed to have ceased to be a member and shall not be entitled to any membership privileges.
Special fees or collection of money from members for certain matters may be collected with the consent of the general meeting of members. If any member fails to pay the fee within the stipulated period, the money will be considered the same as the membership fee debt.
The Society is allowed to accept contributions in any form, and the contributions received shall be declared in the Annual Statement of the Society.
Ten per cent (10%) of the annual fee or contributions or any other income may be used for any administrative expenses of the establishment.
All financial resources must be put into savings after deducting the amount allowed for administrative purposes.
The management of this Society is up to the general meeting of members. At least twice the number of Committee members shall be present at the general meeting to confirm the conduct of the meeting and a sufficient quorum for the meeting.
If the quorum is not sufficient after half an hour from the time fixed for the meeting, then the meeting shall be adjourned to a date not exceeding 30 days fixed by the Committee; and if the quorum is not sufficient after half an hour from the time fixed for the adjourned meeting, then the members present shall have the power to conduct the meeting but shall not have the power to amend the Constitution of the Society.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held within 12 months from the date of the last Annual General Meeting on the date, time and place determined by the Committee. The agenda of the Annual General Meeting is:
a. confirm the minutes of the last general meeting;
b. receive the Committee's report on the progress of the Society in the past year;
c. receive the Treasurer's report and audited financial statements for the past year;
d. elect the members of the Committee and appoint the Auditors for the ensuing year; and
e. manage other matters presented at the meeting.
The Secretary shall send to each member at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting is held an agenda of the meeting including a copy of the meeting reminders and reports and the audited balance sheet of the Society for the past year. Copies of these letters shall be provided for reading by members at the address of the place of business of the Society.
The Secretary shall send each member a copy of the minutes of each Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the meeting.
One of the following Committees designated as Officers of the Organization shall be elected by Full Members only at the Annual General Meeting:
a. A Chairman
b. A Deputy Chairman
c. A Secretary
d. A Treasurer
e. Three Committee Members
The office bearers of this Society and every officer performing executive duties in this Society shall consist of Malaysian Citizens and Full Members only.
The names for the above positions shall be proposed and seconded, and the election shall be conducted by voting by the members in the Annual General Meeting. All officers can be re-elected within 12 months.
The function of the Committee is to manage and organize the day-to-day work of the Society and make decisions on matters concerning the running of the Society by the general policy laid down by the general meeting. The Committee should not be able to take action contrary to the general meeting without first contacting it, and the Committee must always abide by the decision of the general meeting. The Committee shall submit a report on its activities in the past year to each General Meeting.
The Committee shall meet at least 12 times a year. Notice of each meeting shall be given to the members of the Committee 7 days in advance. The Chairman alone or not less than 4 members of the Committee together may call for a meeting of the Committee at any time. At least half (1/2) of the number of members of the Committee shall be present to confirm travel and to constitute a quorum for the meeting.
If an important matter arises that requires the approval of the Committee and a meeting of the Committee cannot be held, then the Secretary may obtain approval from the members of the Committee by distributing a circular letter. The following conditions must be fulfilled before the decision of the Committee:
a. The issues raised shall be detailed in the circular letter distributed to each member of the Committee;
b. At least half of the number of members of the Committee must express their agreement or objection to it; and
c. The decision shall be by the majority of votes. Any decision obtained by circular letter shall be reported by the Secretary to the next meeting of the Committee for confirmation and recorded in the minutes.
A Committee member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Committee without an acceptable reason shall be deemed to have resigned.
If a member of the Committee dies or resigns, the candidate who received the second-most votes in the last election shall be called to fill the vacancy. If such a candidate does not exist or declines the position, then the Committee shall have the power to appoint another member to fill the vacancy until the Annual General Meeting is held.
The Committee may direct the Secretary and other officers to conduct the affairs of the Society and appoint such managers and staff as it deems necessary. It may suspend or dismiss any manager or staff member for negligence in employment, fraud, incompetence, failure to carry out the decisions of the Committee, or for reasons it thinks may be prejudicial to the interests of the Society.
The Committee may establish Sub -Committees if it deems necessary and assigns special duties to any member of the Committee.
The old Committee shall submit all documents of the Society such as certificate of registration, registered Constitution, copies of Annual Statement, feedback letters, books of account, bank books, checks and receipts, land grants, and asset list to the new Committee.
During his term of office, the Chairman shall be the Chairman of all general meetings and all meetings of the Committee and shall be responsible for the smooth running of all meetings. It has a casting vote, and it shall sign the minutes of the meeting when it is approved.
The Deputy Chairman shall act as Chairman in his absence.
The Secretary shall carry out the administrative work of the Society under the Constitution and shall carry out all orders of general meetings and committees. It is responsible for handling correspondence and keeping all records and documents of the Society, except books of account and financial documents. The Secretary shall keep a register of members containing detailed information of members by categories such as name, place and date of birth, identity card number, occupation, name and address of the employer and residential address of each member. It should be present in all communities and make notes of meetings.
The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters of the Society. He shall be fully responsible for the accuracy of the establishment's financial statements, which consist of the statement of receipts and expenditure as well as the balance sheet.
Committee members shall assist the Committee in carrying out the duties directed by it.
Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the money of the Society may be used for matters beneficial to the carrying out of the aims and objectives of the Society, including administrative expenses, payment of salaries of employees, fees and expenses of salaried officers and staff as well as checking wages.
The Treasurer can keep petty cash not more than RM100.00 (Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred) at a time. Money above that amount shall be deposited in a bank approved by the Committee. The bank account must be in the name of the Malaysia Educational Psychology Society.
All checks or statements of withdrawals from the Society's accounts must be signed by 2 (two) people from 3 (three) Committee Members, namely the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. In the absence of the Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary, the Committee may appoint any of them as a substitute to sign the check or statement of withdrawal of money of the Society.
Expenses amounting to RM1,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand) and above cannot be paid without the prior approval of the Committee, and expenses above RM10,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Ten Thousand) cannot be done without obtaining permission of the Annual General Meeting in advance. The Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary may approve the expenditure of less than RM1,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand).
A statement of money received and expended and the balance sheet for one year shall be prepared by the Treasurer and examined by the Auditor appointed under Clause 11 of this Constitution as soon as possible after the close of the financial year. The audited statement of accounts shall be submitted for approval by the next Annual General Meeting, and a copy thereof shall be provided for the information of members at the address of the place of business of the Society.
The financial year of the Society begins on the 1 January and ends on the 31 December every year.
Two persons who are not members of the Society Committee shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting as Auditors. Their appointment must be approved in advance by the Registrar of Societies.
The Auditor reserves the right to examine all books, financial statements and annual balance sheets of the Society and certify such Statements by comparing them with the relevant accounts and vouchers. They must sign the financial statements that are found to be correct, fully supported and under the Society's Constitution or must specifically report to the Society matters that are found to be incorrect, unsupported or not under the Constitution of the Society.
They are also required to inspect the financial statements and balance sheets of the Society at any time if deemed necessary by the Chairman of the Committee.
All immovable properties whatsoever belonging to the Institute shall be registered in the name of the Institute.
The Institutes Office Bearers shall not buy, sell, withdraw or transfer any immovable property and immovable property of the Institute without the consent and authority of a general meeting of members where due notice has been given and a resolution shall be passed with a majority of 75% voting in favour.
In the period between the two General Meetings, the Committee may give its interpretation to this Constitution, and the Committee, if necessary, may decide on matters which are less clear in this Constitution.
Except for matters which are contrary to or inconsistent with the policy already made in the general meeting, the decision of the Committee on the members shall be final if not altered by the decision of the General Meeting.
If it deems necessary, the Committee may appoint persons qualified to be Advisors for this Society provided that the person appointed expresses his consent orally or in writing in advance.
Any form of gambling defined in the Open Gambling House Act,1953 is prohibited on the establishment's premises.
The Society shall not conduct lotteries, whether reserved for members or not, in the name of the Society or its officers or Committees or members, without the approval of the appropriate authorities.
"Benefits" described under Section 2 of the Societies Act 1966 shall not be granted by the Society to any of its members.
All money and profits earned by the Society as a result of its participation in economic activities shall be channelled back to the Society to achieve the goals of this Society and shall not be used to pay benefits, profits or bonuses to any member of the Society. Notwithstanding, this provision does not preclude payment of salaries, administrative expenses or both to any member of the Society.
The Society's money may not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in Court.
The Society may not engage in any political activity or allow its funds and premises to be used for political purposes.
All amendments to this Constitution shall be approved in the Annual General Meeting by most members present. However, amendments to Clause 10 can only be made with the consent of three-quarters (3/4) of the total members of the Society by vote.
An application for a change or amendment must be made to the Registrar of Societies within 60 days from the date of the decision of the Annual General Meeting to approve the change or amendment, and it may be effective from the date the Registrar approves the change or amendment of Societies.
This Society may be dissolved voluntarily with the consent of not less than threefifths (3/5) of the number of members entitled to vote in a general meeting called specially for that purpose.
If the Society is to be dissolved in the manner mentioned above, then all debts and liabilities of the Society lawful under the Constitution shall be settled, and the remaining balance shall be settled in the manner agreed upon in the general meeting concerned.
This application for dissolution must be submitted to the Registrar of Societies within 14 days from the date of the dissolution decision.
a. The dark blue, red, yellow and white colours symbolize the spirit of the Jalur Gemilang and the unity of the members.
b. The symbol on the flag is adapted from the symbol of unity.
a. The Jigsaw Puzzle symbolizes the nature of a career in Educational Psychology full of problem-solving activities, creative thinking and continuous research.
b. The three large triangles symbolize the members of the association who support each other to provide quality Educational Psychology services.
c. A small triangle symbolizes the student who wants to be served. The more students grow, the smaller the gap and the stronger the field of Educational Psychology in Malaysia.
d. The dark blue, red, yellow and white colours symbolize the spirit of the Jalur Gemilang and the unity of the members.
e. The letter "M" on the emblem symbolizes the aspiration of members to improve the quality of Educational Psychology services in Malaysia.
a. The dark blue, red, yellow and white colours symbolize the spirit of the Jalur Gemilang and the unity of the members.
b. The symbol on the badge is adapted from the symbol of unity.